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Mr. Krueger’s Contact Information

Phone Number: 810-984-6544 ext 2221




Grading Procedure


All band grading will follow Fort Gratiot's set standards and adhere to the student handbook.


What will be graded?


In general, Students will have the following grades in band:


Participation 50 points a week: Students are following expectations, have all their required materials (books, instruments, e.t.c.), participating in class, trying their best, and have great attitudes. Having a poor attitude, refusing to follow expectations, refusing to participate will result in a lower grade.


Playing Tests 100 points a playing test: Graded on accuracy of notes and rhythm.


Concerts 200 points a concert: Mandatory Performances. Students have to be there. Students are also expected to have the proper attire for performances. Having the wrong attire will result in a lowered concert grade. Absences from concerts will result in a failing grade from the concert unless it is a pre-approved excused absence. In emergencies please contact Mr. Krueger at


Excused Absences


Sometimes students and parents run into situations in which they cannot participate in a required performance during the school year. The proper procedure for obtaining an excused absence is:

  • Reviewing the band calendar IMMEDIATELY IN SEPTEMBER and identifying the conflict OR by identifying a conflict as soon as it becomes known.

  • Informing both Mr.Krueger of the conflict through email or by phone.

  • Obtaining a doctor’s note for illnesses

  • Completing make-up work to achieve credit for the missed event.



Special Note Regarding Concert Attendance:


Please note that concerts are a MANDATORY EVENT. Students share a collective responsibility to achieve a successful performance, and when the group is different on a concert night than it is in regular practice, the band will not perform at its best. Often times, students immediately identify the challenges they will face when walking out on stage without one of their peers. It makes them nervous, and the performance ultimately suffers from this unfortunate reduction in personnel. Examples of situations that will result in an “excused absence” from a concert.

  • A general emergency

  • A death in the family

  • A pre-approved situation in which Mr. Krueger has been informed of at least two weeks in advance.


Everything is evaluated in a case-by-case basis, but usually, the following is true:


Examples that will result in an “unexcused” absence from a concert and loss of credit:

  • Missing a concert for a special occasion, such as a celebration

  • Missing a concert for a family event

  • Missing the concert for any reason that has not been pre-approved

  • Unexplained absence in which no one knows where you are

  • Sickness that occurs after the student has attended school that day



Concert Attire


Students will have the opportunity to dress in various styles throughout the year during concerts and required performances. The majority of performances, however, follow a strict code of dress apparel. If the student does not arrive in the requested attire, a 20 point deduction from the concert grade will be applied for the infraction. Mr. Krueger is always happy to help assist the needs of families when looking for appropriate concert attire, but care and thoughtfulness, as well as advanced notice must be given to Mr. Krueger in order to receive this consideration and avoid the infraction deduction on the student's concert grade.


Our concert dress code is:


6th Grade: Black Socks, Black Dress Shoes, Black Dress Pants, Black Long Sleeve Button Up Shirt.  


7th Grade: Black Socks, Black Dress Shoes, Black Dress Pants, Black Long Sleeve Button Up Shirt.  


8th Grade: Black Socks, Black Dress Shoes, Black Dress Pants, Black Long Sleeve Button Up Shirt.  




Whenever I send information home about upcoming concerts, fundraisers, e.t.c. I will send/post the information on all of the following platforms:


EMAIL: I will email all students and parents via Power School. Please note that if you have any questions, please just send me a separate email at When you reply to my Power School emails I do not get notifications on those. Because of this, sometimes it takes a couple days before I notice a message from you!


FACEBOOK: Students and parents can join our facebook group, The Fort Gratiot Middle School Band. Parents, you can post questions in the facebook group or message me directly. I will not respond to messages from students on Facebook. 


REMIND: Send a text to 81010. 

For 6th Grade, type @fgbands6


For 7th Grade, type @fgbands7


For 8th Grade, type @fgbands8


For Jazz Band, type @fgjazz78


BAND WEBSITE: Information will be posted here as well. Whenever I send home an email, I will post on our band google calendar that the email was sent home. I will the email under the event notes. Our Band Google Calendar can be found on the homepage of the website,


I do not expect anyone to check all of these all the time. Just check at least one of these sources every now and again. I post the same message on every platform. It is up to students and parents to find which one of these work best for them. Telling me you did not check your email is not an excuse.


Classroom Expectations


Most of the time, The band room is a "red zone" - no electronic devices are permitted.  Occasionally, students may need to use their Chromebook. In alignment with the School District’s policy, there is absolutely NO CELL PHONE USE IN CLASS. Students will either keep them in their locker, or store them in the band room phone storage pouch. However, phones and technology are also strongly encouraged during trips, in order to maintain constant contact with family and loved ones in case the band's performance is delayed or something changes.


Food and beverages (with the exception of bottled water) are to be consumed outside of the band room as a general rule. 




1. Good Participation

2. Friendliness

3. Compassion and understanding toward your peers and the instructor

4. Good listening (of both your peers and the instructor)

5. Making good choices


MIS-ALIGNED BEHAVIORS - Consistent or re-occurring instances of:

1. Tardiness

2. Forgetting required daily materials (music, pencil, homework)

3. Using poor language (derogatory comments toward others, the instructor, or using profanity)

4. Having a negative or demeaning attitude towards a fellow student or the instructor

5. Inappropriate comments, jokes, or behavior (making immature choices)



1. A positive and fun classroom atmosphere; band becomes really fun because time is spent on singing and learning - not spent on behavior re-alignment.

2. The learning speed is much quicker and faster-paced.

3. The real “you” comes out.

4. There are more privileges and more trust between each other.

5. We can win competitions, respect, and attain a sense of pride for our hard work.

6. If music is something you really love, you can develop skills to become a professional and go to college. There are numerous jobs in the field of music! If a music career isn’t something you desire, you will have developed your brain to become more advanced than someone who doesn’t have a music background. (There are many studies relating music education to lifelong success.)

7. It is great to have fun, but more fun to be great!



1. Call home to parents, PBIS meeting with parents, the instructor, and/or the behavioral specialist.

2. The class will develop a negative atmosphere. A sense of “dread” towards coming to class will develop (for both students and the instructor)

3. Less time with fun things, more time with behavior re-alignment

4. The rate of accomplishment will go down.

5. If a solution cannot be reached to re-align behavior, in-school suspension will occur, and in rare cases expulsion from the class will occur.


Extra-curricular Expectation

Initial Extracurricular Requirements for 6th grade beginning band students:

Fall Concert 

Holiday Concert

Spring Concert


As you get older, the amount of requirements for band goes up.


Here is a list of required events for 7th-8th graders:

Port Huron Northern Marching Band Night (8th Grade Only) 

Holiday Concert

Pre-Festival Concert

MSBOA Band Festival  

Spring Concert


Here are non-required (but fun) opportunities for 7-8th graders:

Solo and Ensemble

All State Band

Honors Band

North Street Jazz Ensemble

Percussion Ensemble


Instrument Needs

Students are responsible for maintaining and caring for their own instrument. Students will not be excused from their playing responsibilities unless their instrument is in a state of disrepair and evidence is presented to Mr. Krueger showing repairs are being made.  Students are NOT penalized for being unable to play their instrument with the proper proof presented.  A parent email will not suffice, only a store obtained repair slip.


Students that forget their instrument on quiz days automatically receive no points for their quiz, unless they have recorded it and emailed it by 11:59PM the evening before.


Some examples of things students are responsible for:

  • Valve oil

  • Reeds

  • Slide cream

  • Slide Grease

  • Drum sticks/mallets

  • Mouthpieces

  • General care of their instrument The student should make it a daily habit to review their instrument and supplies to ensure their instrument is in working order and that they have enough supplies for the day’s lessons. Forgetting to purchase valve oil or reeds will result in the loss of daily participation credit (10 pts) if the student is unable to play their instrument from lack of these supplies.

Special Note: Reeds are available for purchase in the band room. They usually cost $2-$5 a reed. Oboe and Bassoon reeds are $22


Depositing Money

Students will turn in all money for reeds, trips, fundraisers, e.t.c. using the money deposit envelopes located in the front of the room.


School Instrument Usage


Fort Gratiot students are allowed to check out school instruments for free. Damage caused from misuse, carelessness, or intentional damage will be charged to the student's family. Repairs needed from regular wear and tear will be covered by the band program.


Percussion Equipment

If you are not a percussionists, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TOUCH PERCUSSION EQUIPMENT! This equipment belongs to the school, not you. Potential consequences include:


  1. Minor Referral

  2. Major Referral

  3. Phone Call Home

  4. Lunch Detention 



Percussionist students are expected to have their own sticks and mallets. In the event, you broke your mallets and are waiting to purchase new ones, you may borrow a pair from Mr. Krueger temporarily. There will be a QR Code/Google Form check out form whenever you need to borrow mallets or anything from the cabinet. YOU ARE EXPECTED TO PUT ANYTHING YOU GRAB FROM THE CABINET BACK! Leaving borrowed mallets, percussion accessories, out repeatedly will result in a lowered grade and a phone call home to parents. If anything from the cabinet is lost or broken, the person who checked it out last is responsible for replacing said item.


Books and supplies

6th and 7th Grade Students will have their Band Method Book purchased for them by the School District. 8th Grade students will continue using the method book from 7th Grade. If a student looses their Band Method Book, they will be required to replace it on their own. All method books and supplies can be purchased at the Port Huron Music Center. When purchasing a method book, just go up and say your instrument, and that you are a Fort Gratiot student. The music center will then know which book to sell to you in the event you need to purchase a replacement book.


Questions? Concerns? Email Mr. Krueger at

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